
Monday, February 28, 2011

Monkey Business

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro: Any version should work fine. I'm using PSP X.
Scrap kit of your choice. I am using a PTU kit from Juicy Bits called Little Monkey.
I am not using a tube in this tut other than the little monkey that came with the scrapkit.
Plugins: Visman Natural: Ripper, Eye Candy 4000 Shadow Lab
Remember that the tubes and elements I use in this tut are only a suggestion. Feel free to use other elements or make yours just like mine, either way, it's completely up to you. Make it yours!
Let's get started.
Open a new 700x250 transparent image.
Open paper 13, copy and paste as a new layer, crop down to fit 700x250 size. Adjust, blur, radial blur with the settings as follows:
Zoom, strength 100, Eliptical checked, all other settings at 0.
Duplicate and hide the top layer. On the bottom layer apply Ripper plugin with the following settings:
Size 78
Width 72
Height 135
Angle 193
Depth 164
Distortion 139
Drop the opacity around 25 or 30.
Unhide the top layer and change the opacity to Hard Light.
Copy your tube and arrange in the middle. Add a drop shadow using Eye Candy 4000 Shadow Lab, using the following settings:
Direction 315
Center offset 5
Overall Opacity 100
Overall Blur 56
Perspective Blur 0
Draw only outside selection checked.
Open the little green square element (EI10) copy and paste as a new layer, rotate to the left by 12.
Open element (EI26) copy and paste as a new layer, rotate to the left by 90. Drag below the little green square and arrange however you like it. Duplicate, image mirror and arrange on the right side however you like it.
Add a new raster layer at the top. Selections, select all, modify, contract by 5. Open a paper of your choice, I used 8. Copy and paste as a new layer, click delete on your keyboard and deselect. Add drop shadow 2, 2, 50, 5 black, then do the same over again but change it to -2, -2, 50, 5.
Add your text and credits and you're all done!

Monday, February 21, 2011

No Tears in Heaven

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac which you need a license to use. You can get at his site HERE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using Angels Above by Wicked Princess Scraps. It's free for the first week out, then after that it will become PTU. You can find it on her blog HERE. If it is no longer a freebie when you go to her blog post, her stores she sells at are listed at the top left side.
Font of choice, I am using Playbill
Plugins: No outside plugins needed
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open a new 700x700 canvas with a white background. You can crop it at the end, resize and get rid of the white if you want. This just gives us lots of room to work.
Open WP_AA_Frame, copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 75%. Click inside it with your magic wand, hold down your shift key and get the areas inside the frames that are rotated. Selections>modify>expand by 5.
Open paper 5, copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 75%, selections>invert, click delete on your keyboard. Leave selected.
Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange it how you want inside your frame, then take your eraser tool and erase whatever parts you don't want showing over the frame. Deselect and add a drop shadow to your tube and frame.
Open the scalloped frame, copy and paste as a new layer. Drag it down so it is just above your white background layer. Add your drop shadow.
Open the rainbow element, copy and paste as a new layer. Drag it down below the green frame, and above the background paper. Arrange it how you like it. I just pretty much left mine where it pasted because you can see it just behind her.
Open the pansy element, copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 55%, mirror, rotate to the right by 10, add a drop shadow.
Open HRHeartscatter, copy and paste as a new layer, drag this layer so that it is just above the white background layer. Resize by 85%.
Open the harp element, copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 25%, rotate to the left by 15. Add your drop shadow and arrange it on the left side of your tag.
Add any text to it you'd like and your name, copyright info and credits as needed. Crop, resize and save.