
Monday, October 24, 2011

Chills & Thrills

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the tubes that came with the scrapkit.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using a PTU kit, Chills & Thrills by Jen's Sweet Temptations.
Template: APHWNtemplate1 by Lorna J. It's the link under the 4th template on that page.
Font of choice, I am using Saliere.
Plugins: no outside filters.
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open the template, delete the info, layer 5 & cat layers. Change the canvas size to 650 x 650.
Make layer 4 active, click inside it with your magic wand, open paper 9, resize by 70%, copy and paste as a new layer, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard. Deselect and delete the original black circle.
Do the same with layer 2, using paper 7.
Do the same for layers 1, 3, 6 and 8 using paper 4. After you fill them with the paper, then go in and adjust, add/remove noise, and add noise, 85, monochrome, uniform. Add drop shadows to each frame layer.
Make layer 7 active, click inside with your magic wand, selections, invert, open paper 10, resize by 70%, copy and paste as a new layer, click delete on your keyboard, leave selected.
Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange in the frame, click delete on your keyboard.
Delete the original layer 7, add drop shadow to your tube.
Do the same for layer 9.
Add elements and your tube. I used the following (add drop shadow of your choosing):
Cauldron, resized 70%
Ghost, resized 50%
Candle, resized 60%
Cat2, resized 45%
Bottle, resized 45%
Goblet, resized 40%
Cupcake, resized 35%
add a new layer , drag it to the bottom, flood fill with black. Open your mask, go to layers, new mask layer, from image, find your mask in the drop down box, click yes. delete the mask, choose yes in the pop up box, merge group. Drop the opacity to about 45.
Crop, resize, add text, credits, and copyright as needed.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Key to My Heart

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey, which you need a license to use. You can get it at PTE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using The Key to My Heart by Wicked Princess. You can find it at AOG.
Tracy's template #22 at Freebie Friends.
Font of choice, I am using Simply Glamorous
Mask: WSL_Mask84 from WeeScotsLass
Plugins: no outside plugins
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open the template, delete the credits and stars. Resize canvas to 700 x 700
*optional* Add a new raster layer, drag to the bottom and flood fill with white, this is just to make it easier to see what we're doing.
Make the circle layer active, selections, select all, float, defloat, invert, open paper 15, copy and paste as a new layer, click delete on your keyboard and deselect. Delete the original circle. Add a drop shadow to the circle paper.
Make the rectangle layer active, click it with your magic wand, open paper 6, copy and paste as a new layer, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard, leave selected.
Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange in the rectangle, take your eraser tool and erase the bits that hang over, deselect add drop shadow to the tube and glitter rectangle, delete the black rectangle.
Open piano keys, resize by 55%, arrange them so that the bigger end is just covering the bottom left side of the rectangle, erase the little bit at the right side that hangs over the circle.
Open the tag cluster, resize by 36%, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange over the left side of piano keys.
Put any other elements you'd like on. I used the following and resized by the amount beside it.
Unicorn, 35%
Heart dangle 40%
Metal butterfly 20%
Gem heart 20%, rotate right by 18
Champagne bottle , 25%
Campagne glass, 25%
Flowervine, 75% (duplicate and mirror, so you have it on both sides)
Key, 15%, rotate to right by 45
Butterfly, 15%
Open paper 11, copy and paste as a new layer, drag it just above the white background layer and apply your mask, by opening your mask, go to layers, new mask layer, from image, find your mask in the drop down box, click ok. Delete the mask, merge group.
Crop, resize, add text and credits

Thursday, October 20, 2011

tag using my ptu kit

This great tag was made for me by Chilipepper at the ACDivas forum. She used my Sweet Like Cherry Pie kit.

Candy Dreams

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac, which you need a license to use. You can get it at his store, here.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using Sugar on Top by Jen's Sweet Temptations
Font of choice, I am using Saliere
Plugins: no outside plugins
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open a new canvas 700 x 700 white. This will give us extra room to work, and we can crop and resize at the end.
Open film 4, copy and paste as a new layer.
Open film 1, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange over bottom of film 4.
Take your freehand selection tool set on point to point and add (Shift). Click around the edges of the center squares on film 4.
Open paper 4, copy and paste between film 4 and the white background layer, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard.
Leave selected.
Open your tube, copy and paste above the paper you just put in the frame. Arrange the tube, then click delete on your keyboard.
Do this with your tube 3 times, to fill all 3 squares in the film 4, mirroring the tube sometimes to have it going different directions. Deselect & erase the bits that show from one film square into another. Merge each tube together.
Duplicate your tube layer, on the top layer, adjust blue, gaussian by 3. change blend mode to soft light. On the original layer, change the hue and saturation both to 0.
Add a drop shadow to to the filmstrip layer.
Do the same thing with the paper (I'm using paper 10 for this one) and tube in the small film 1 element.
Copy and paste your main tube, drag it so it is just above the larger filmstrip. Arrange it how you want, add drop shadow, if any of it is peeking below the thin filmstrip, erase it.
Doodle 1, copy and paste arrange at top left, duplicate, image flip, duplicate, image mirror, duplicate, image flip.
Add your elements.
I used
white flower
Crop, resize, add text and credits, save.

Unravel the Strings to my Heart

This was my entry into the Arthur Crowe contest that he had this month. He just announced the winners so now I can post my tut.
For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Arthur Crowe, which you need a license to use. You can get it at PTE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using Fall In Love by Gina at Crafted By Gina. The links to the stores she sells at are on the right side of her blog.
My word art here. If you don't want to use my word art but want to make your own using the same fonts, I used Over the Rainbow and Lounge Bait for the word art.
Font of choice, I am using Lounge Bait.
Plugins: no outside filters used
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
For this tut I use a drop shadow of 1, 1, 50, 5 black throughout.
Open a new template 650 x 650 white.
Open frame 1, copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 35%
Take your freehand selection tool set at selection point: point to point and mode: add Shift. Click at points around the frame, slightly in from the center edge like my example below. Make sure you only go a small space between clicks. Once you get all the way around, double click where the line meets to connect them.
Open paper 10, resize by 35% three times. Copy and paste as a new layer, drag it between your frame and background layer, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard. Leave selected.
Open your close up tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange it how you want it, click delete on your keyboard.
Deselect, add a drop shadow to your tube and frame.
Duplicate the tube, on the top layer, adjust, blur, gaussian blur 3. Change the opacity to soft light. On the bottom tube, go to adjust, hue and saturation, drop both to 0. Drop the opacity to about 65 on this layer.
Open scatter02, resize twice by 35%, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange on the bottom right side. Duplicate, mirror.
Open scatter 01, resize twice by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange it near the middle on the left, drag it just above the white background. Duplicate, mirror, flip and arrange on the top right.
Open bow02, resize twice by 35%, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange on the right side of the frame, add drop shadow.
Open heart01, resize by 35% then by 25%, arrange on the top right, duplicate, mirror, arrange just below the first one. Add drop shadows to both.
Open the word art in my supplies, copy and paste as a new layer arrange over the frame in the middle. See my tag for reference.
Open bird01, resize by 35% then by 45%, adjust sharpness, sharpen, add drop shadow arrange on top right side of frame.
Pick 2 colors from your tube or this scraps and make a gradient with them by clicking on one of the colors and going to gradients, linear, angle 45, repeats 3.
Open your mask, add a new raster layer above the white background, flood fill with your gradient, apply your mask by going to layers, new mask layer, from image, find the mask in the drop down menu click it, click ok. Delete the mask, merge group, resize by 90%.
Crop, resize, add your name, credits as needed and save.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tag with my kit

Isn't this tag just gorgeous? Charlie over at Diva's (Another Creative Diva or ACDivas) made it for me using my Sweet Like Cherry Pie kit, and used the tube I had in mind when I made the kit. I love it! Thank you Charlie!

New CT Member

I would like to welcome the 5th and final member to the creative team, Amanda from Amanda Carter's Super Blog. So stop on by her blog and check it out! Welcome to the team Amanda!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pink Fantasy

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Barbara Jensen which you need a license to use. Her artwork is available at her store, but this tube is available only at Scraps and the City.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using a PTU kit, Pink Fantasy by Jen's Sweet Temptations. I'm working with the full sized kit, so the resizing percents are for that. If you get the tagger sized, you'll have to change the amounts you resize by, if you have to resize at all.
Tonya and Minxy Collab Template 03 at Creative Misfits Creations. It's the last set in the post.
Font of choice, I am using zebra
Plugins: no outside plugins required
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open your template, delete the copyright layer, stars, and all the word art layers.
Change the canvas size to 700 x 650.
For any shapes on the template that you fill with a paper, delete the original shape afterwards.
Make shape 1 layer active, click inside with magic wand, open paper 3, resize by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer. Selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard & deselect. Do the same for shape 2. Add drop shadow to both.
Do the same with rectangle frame and rectangle background, filling them with paper 1 resized by 25%
Add noise to both rectangle frame and rectangle background after you add the paper, uniform, monochrome checked 40%, then add drop shadow.
Make the rectangle layer active, click inside it with magic wand, open paper 4, resize by 15%, copy and paste as a new layer, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard, deselect. No drop shadow on this one.
Do the same with the circle layer, using paper 9 add drop shadow.
Make rectangle layer active, click inside with magic wand, open paper 10, resize by 15%, copy and paste as a new layer, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard, leave selected.
Open your close up tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange it in the rectangles, click delete on your keyboard then deselect.
Change the blend mode to luminance (L) and drop the opacity to about 60.
On thin rectangles 1 and 2, add noise with the same settings as above and add drop shadow.
Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer, resize if necessary, arrange on the left side.
add elements that you like. These are the ones I used and how much I resized them by, add drop shadow to each.
Swans resized by 20%
Unicorn resized by 15%
Flower 1 resized by 15%
Bow 1 resized by 10% then 75%
Cupcake 1 resized by 10% then 55%
Envelope resized by 10% then 85%
Champagne resized by 10% then 65%
Jar resized by 10%
Decor 5 resized by 20%
Balloons resized by 20% then 50%
Raspberry 3 resized by 10% then 75%
The two raspberries, resize by 10% then 25%, arrange them duplicating and mirroring until you get as many as you want scattered about.
copy and paste a paper of your choice, open & apply mask, layers, new mask layer, from image, find your mask in the drop down menu, click ok, delete mask and merge group. You may have to resize it and duplicate it if you used a light paper.
Crop, resize, add credits and copyright as needed then add your name.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Little Corny Vamp

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Alicia Mujica, which you need a license to use. You can get it at PTE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using a PTU kit by Shani @ Wicked Princess called A Little Corny.
Font of choice, I am using Abaddon
Plugins: no outside filters used
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open a new canvas 750 x 750 white.
Open frame, copy and paste as a new layer, resize by 85%. Take your selection tool set at rectangle and draw out a rectangle over your frame. Just go in a little from the center on all sides.
Open paper 7, resize by 60%, copy and paste as a new layer, drag it between the frame and background. Selections, invert, click delete on the keyboard. Leave selected.
Open the house, resize by 55%, copy and paste as a new layer, drag between the frame and background paper. Arrange how you want it, click delete on your keyboard.
Add a drop shadow to the frame and house.
Open your tube, copy and paste on the right side of the frame, resize if needed, add drop shadow.
Open ghost lamp, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange on left side, add drop shadow.
Open the moon, resize by 40%, copy and paste as a new layer, mirror, add drop shadow, arrange on the right side.
Open the cat, resize by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange on right, add drop shadow.
Open bad bug, resize by 25%, arrange on the base of the lamp, add drop shadow.
Open bats2, resize by 25% arrange over top of frame, add drop shadow.
Copy and Paste paper 6 as a new layer, drag just above white background.
Open mask.
apply mask by going to layers, new mask layer, from image, find your mask in the drop down box, click ok. Delete the mask and merge group. Drop the opacity to about 75
Crop, resize, add credits and text, then save.

Frankie Pirate

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Elias Chatzoudis, which you need a license to use. You can get it at PTE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using Frankie by Farrah's Designs, which you can purchase here.
Font of choice, I am using Nosferatu
Plugins: no outside plugins used.
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open a new canvas 650 x 650 white.
Open frame 3, resize by 30%, copy and paste as a new layer. Click inside with magic wand, selections, modify, expand by 3.
Open paper 10, copy and paste as a new layer, drag down between frame and white background. Selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard. Leave selected.
Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange it how you want it.
Duplicate tube, drag original below the frame, drag the duplicate above the frame and hide it.
Take your eraser tool and erase the bits that hang over the frame where you don't want them. Deselect, add drop shadow to the bottom tube. Unhide the top tube and erase the bits you don't want hanging over. You don't have to be very careful, because the lower tube will show through.
Add a drop shadow to the frame.
Open splatter, resize by 47%, copy and paste as a new layer, drag down so it is just above your background, arrange near the top of the tag, duplicate, image mirror & flip.
Open the tree, resize by 30 then by 45, copy and paste as a new layer, drag it to the left of the tag. Duplicate it, mirror, then drag the duplicate back to the left side and arrange it with the first tree. Add drop shadows to both trees.
Open the tombstone, resize by 25% then 45%, copy and paste as a new layer, add drop shadow. arrange on the left in front of the trees.
Open the ghost, resize by 20% then 55%, copy and paste as a new layer, add drop shadow, arrange on left side.
Open Frankie, resize by 20% then by 45%, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange on the left, add drop shadow.
Open the cat, resize by 20% then by 75%, arrange on the left side, add drop shadow.
Open flower 3, resize by 20%, copy and paste as a new layer, add drop shadow, arrange on the right.
Open flower 4, resize by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer, add drop shadow, arrange on top of the other flower.
Add copyrights and credits.
Add text, crop, resize and save.

Friday, October 14, 2011

New Store

I am happy to announce I am adding another store to the list of stores I am selling my PTU kits at, I have joined! A big thank you to them for accepting me. So stop on over, check out my kits, and the entire store!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Autumn Blues

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey, which you need a license to use. You can get it at PTE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using Autumn Blues by Farrah's Designer Scraps.
Font of choice, I am using Impress BT
Mask: We're going to make our own!
Plugins: Visman Extravaganza-Transmission
Drop shadow used throughout 1, 1, 50, 5, black
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open a new canvas 650 x 650, white background.
Open frame 3, resize by 30%, copy and paste as a new layer. Click inside the frame with your magic wand tool, selections, modify, expand by 4.
Open paper 7, resize by 25%, copy and paste above the white background layer, below the frame layers, selections, invert, click delete on your keyboard. Leave selected.
Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer, resize if needed. If you're using the same tube as I am, it should be the right size. Arrange where you want it then duplicate. Hide the top layer and make sure the original tube layer is below your frame layer. Take your eraser and erase the bits hanging below the frame. Deselect and add a drop shadow.
Un-hide the duplicate tube and make sure it's above your frame. Take your eraser and erase the parts that hang below the frame. You don't have to be careful about where you erase because you have the one on the bottom to show through.
Add a drop shadow to your tube.
Now hide your white background layer and merge visible the rest of the layers, then duplicate, then you can un-hide your background layer.
On the bottom merged layer, adjust blur, gaussian blur at 20. Now apply Visman Extravaganza, Transmission using the following settings top to bottom: 6, 10, 40.
If yours has a rather odd shape at the top because of the head of your tube, you may want to take your eraser tool and erase the top part of the lines from the transmission plugin. Mine just had an odd shape that made it look like a stem coming from the top of it that I didn't like.
Now we can start adding our elements.
This is a list of what I used and what percentage I resized them by. You can look at my tag for placement. I also add a drop shadow to each element.
Vine 4, resize by 25% then 70%, arrange across bottom, duplicate, flip, mirror and drag the top (duplicated) copy below the frame layer.
Scatter 2, resize by 25% then 70%, arrange across bottom over top of Vine 4
Leaves 3, resize by 25% then by 30%, rotate to the left by 45, arrange on right side of frame, duplicate, mirror
Bow, resize by 25% then by 55%, rotate to the left by 45, duplicate, image mirror
Crop, resize, add credits and text then save.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

New tuts by my CT

This wonderful BCA tag is by Stephy, one of my CT members, using my PTU kit, Think Pink. You can find her tut here.
If you'd like to purchase any of my kits that these tags were made with, you can find the links to my store on the top left side of the blog.
And this cute little tut is also by Stephy, it's called BOOlicious, and it is made using my Trick or Treat kit. You can find her tut here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Announcement & New PTU kit!

I am happy to announce that I am joining the team of designers at Lollipops N Gumdrops! I joined there as of today, so you can also purchase all of my kits there!
Also, I have a new kit, in both full and tagger size available in stores as of today! You can see the preview below. Don't forget that I'm having a grand opening sale through Friday October 7th and all my kits are just $1.00!
You can buy them at these stores: Designer Scraps, Lollipops N Gumdrops, and Tagging Angels.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tut using my Think Pink PTU kit

This tag was made by SharonC @ Tagalicous Tags and Tuts. Check it out here.

Everyday Lady

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Paint Shop Pro, I am using PSP X, you should be able to use any version.
Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey, which you need a license to use. You can get it at PTE.
Scrap kit of choice. I am using Everyday Lady by Wicked Princess and you can find it here.
Collab template 3 by Deb and Tamie , you can find it on the Creative Misfits blog. It's the last one in the group.
Font of choice, I am using
Mask: wsl84 by weescotslass creations, here.
Plugins: no outside plugins needed
Just remember that my choices of papers and elements is just a suggestion, change it up and make it yours! You don't have to follow mine exactly.
Let's get started!
Open your template, resize by setting the width to about 650, it should then auto size the height. Change your canvas size to about 700 x 600.
Delete raster 7 layer.
Make raster 5 active, click on it with your magic wand, open a paper, copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert, click delete on your keyboard. Deselect, add drop shadow, delete the original layer.
Do the same for each shape in the template (except raster 8, 9, & 11), changing papers to whichever paper you like.
On raster 11, adjust, add/remove noise, add noise, uniform, 70, monochrome checked. Add drop shadow.
Do the same for raster 8 & 9.
On raster 12 and copy of vector 1, adjust, hue and saturation, colorize, change them both to 0.
On each of the top square layers, make sure it's active, selections, select all, float, defloat, invert, open your close up tube, copy and paste as a new layer, arrange it how you want, click delete on your keyboard. Change the blend mode to luminance (L)
Copy and paste your full tube, arrange to the right, add a drop shadow.
Add any elements you like, resizing as needed (make sure to go to adjust sharpen, and sharpen after resizing) and adding drop shadow. I used the following:
Dog, resized 25%
Flower branches, resized 30%
Flowerbunch, resized at 20%
Bird, resized at 20%
Satin bow, resized at 25%
Open a paper of choice, copy and paste as a new layer, just above the white background layer. Open your mask, go to layers, new mask layer, from image, find your mask in the drop down box, click on it. Then in your layer palette, delete the mask, merge group. Resize your mask by about 116%.
Add your copyrights and credits as needed. Add your name or other text.
Crop, resize and save.

New PTU kit Think Pink

New in stores, Think Pink, available in both tagger and full sized. Don't forget, I'm having a grand opening sale, and all kits are just $1.00 until 10/7.
You can find the kits at the following stores